Архив за ноября 2010
Воскресенье, 21 Ноя 2010
Из Мексики:
"Прошло 70 дней с начала приёма MMS от аутизма в моей группе. Официально у меня 55 человек, принимающих MMS и истории улучшений у детей, которые меня просто потрясли.
Каждый день или через день я получаю по электронной почте сообщения о том, что не говоривший ребенок разговаривает и/или делает некоторые другие удивительные вещи, которые он/она никогда не делали. Благодарим Вас за MMS и благодарим Вас за поддержку в моей миссии восстановления детей с аутизмом.
Я чувствую, MMS собирается доказать, что бывший ранее огромным куском головоломки аутизм — излечим. Я надеюсь представить ребёнка, излечённого от аутизма с помощью MMS на крупнейшей конференции по аутизму в мире в Пуэрто-Рико в марте. Пожелайте мне удачи!"
Источник: из письма Джима Хамбла, полученного 05.11.2010
Рубрика: Аутизм, Дети, Результаты использования MMS | Обсуждение закрыто
Воскресенье, 21 Ноя 2010
Ещё результаты использования MMS. Из писем, которые приходят Джиму Хамблу.
Привет Джим,
Ещё одна история успеха при хронической фибромиалгиии с артритом у бедной женщины, которая не могла стоять более 5 минут. Её руки, колени и лодыжки были опухшие, бесформенные руки, всё потеряло форму.
В первый час после приёма MMS она почувствовала себя менее утомлённой. День спустя она уже освободила руки от поддерживающего бандажа на запястьях. Она продолжила выполнять MMS протокол и на пятый день снова начала выполнять упражнения на тренажёре для ходьбы. А ещё неделю спустя, т.е. всего через 12 дней после начала приёма MMS она улетела в Испанию со своей дочерью на отдых резервным рейсом. Этой даме 47 лет.
У друга моего отца по боулингу — 86 лет - было хорошее здоровье пока внезапно он не почувствовал стеснение в груди и одышку. Он пошёл к врачу, анализ крови показал 82 (количество гемоглобина — прим. Перев.) . Врач дал ему таблетки с железом и назначил консультацию со специалистом из госпиталя.
Он принял одну каплю MMS утром, одну вечером и одну на следующее утро. В тот день доктор проверил его анализ крови — уровень гемоглобина был 92. Через несколько дней он опять его проверил — было 108, он чувствовал себя гораздо лучше. Доктор сказал ему, что таблетки с железом, должно быть, сделали своё дело. Забавно то, что он даже не открывал ещё те таблетки, не встречался со специалистом из госпиталя и только второй день принимал MMS.
Источник: из письма Джима Хамла, полученное 16.10. 2010. Текст оригинала приводится ниже.
MMS Name Change!
The word Miracle phases out and the word Master replaces it.
Well, that's it. The MMS remains the same, just the first word changes from Miracle to Master. "Master Mineral Solution" is now the name of MMS. I know, I know, there are a lot of people who after using MMS like the name miracle, because that is what it is. I like the name Miracle too, but many people have asked me to change the name and others have told me that they didn't use it just because of the name «Miracle.» They say it sounds too much like snake oil. Many people have already told me that they prefer the new name change. The FDA and others will play on our name change for a while but eventually that will die out as MMS becomes known as the «Master Mineral of the Third Millennium.»
And this new name tells what it is, too. It's the Master Mineral of the Third Millennium. It certainly cannot be any less than that for the human race at this time. Of course, many of those who have not seen it work will doubt me, but none who have used it and have saved lives will doubt. MMS is the Master Mineral Solution for the human race at this time. One might consider that I should say, «The Master Mineral Solution of health.» But no, it has saved more than a hundred thousand lives world wide so far and it is important to the human race in all phases of living as one cannot design cars or fly airliners if he is sick. Someday, hopefully soon, there will be dozens of master minerals and MMS will just be one of a line up of Master Minerals. Until that time comes, however, MMS remains the most important mineral known to the human race.
And do you see? That's where our Church comes in. The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. This Master Mineral is used by our Church as the Cleansing Water for our Sacraments. The goal of our church is, "a World Without Diseases". Our church heals all who are sick at no charge. Of course, we like all churches, will accept donations to help the continued healing of the sick. Our duty to mankind is to heal the sick and we have only the message, "Do Good Deeds, heal with MMS, and always do what is right." Bring us your sick, and even those who the Medical doctors have given up on, as we never give up! This includes Cancer, Hep. C, and all life threatening diseases as well as so-called, "incurable diseases". We now have more than 100 trained Health Minister in over 40 countries throughout the world.
I am writing this newsletter as I prepare to leave Germany where I have just finished teaching a one week seminar on the use of MMS for healing all sicknesses. A friend visited me from Holland while I am here and he said the Government of Holland has now banned the use of MMS in Holland, but there are many people objecting to the idea. He said one hospital decided that the write up was so one way and negative that they obtained some MMS and tried it and the had really good results. They are continuing to use MMS on a secretive basis.
MMS Success Stories:
Chronic fybromyalgia along with Arthritis!!!
Hi Jim,
«Another success story chronic fybromyalgia along with arthritis this poor lady was unable to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time her hands knees and ankles swollen, misshaped hands all buckling out of shape, on first hour of taking mms she felt less fatigued, one day later her hands are free of wrist supports she is following the mms protocol and on just her fifth day she is starting back on her exercise walking machine, one week just 12 days after starting mms she's flying out to Spain on holiday with her daughter on a standby flight. This lady is 47 years old, my fathers bowling friend 86 years old good health until suddenly getting tight chest short of breath went to his doctor he has a blood count of 82 doctor gave him iron tablets and made an appointment with the hospital specialist he took one drop of mms morning one drop evening one drop next morning ,that afternoon he got the runs so laid off for 1 day his doctor checked his bloodcount again it was 92 , a few days later he checked him again his bloodcount was 108 hes feeling much better his doctor said to him those iron tablets must have done the trick, funny thing is hes not even opened the tablets yet , nor has he seen a specialist yet and hes only taking one drop of mms every second day now. Jim feel free to contact me any time all the people i have mentioned will gladly speak to anyone and are lifelong advocates of mms as im sure anyone who gets the chance to witness someone being cured of some so called incurable disease will also be I'm sure.»
God bless Jim and team for now.
Another MMS testimony:
"I was skeptical, but, it is the only hope I have for my father, he is a young 82 and is in a losing battle- he has CLL. I read articles on the internet that were against mms, then I bought Jim's book and I should have just ordered the MMS after reading his book, but, instead, I read the negative garbage on the internet, out of desperation,I bought some MMS. To our astonishment, Dad's cancerous sores are healing on his face. He has more energy and this has only been two weeks on six drops three times a day. He only wants to do the 6 drops three times a day as he went over the six and got quite nauseous, of course, I want him to bombard the illness with it, but, he got too sick — do you think it is okay if he does the 18 drops total per day forever? His lymph nodes seem to be going down a bit...we have hope now and are in a trial basis with the MMs — we will see how it goes, and definiately will be spreading the word and sending whatever donation we can afford as he gets some more improvement." I thank you.
I will be returning to the Dominican Republic and the next seminar in the Dominican Republic will begin Monday morning of the 25 of October 2010. There is a choice between week 1 ($1000) for the complete theory and work shop and then the second week 2 ($500) for practical experience treating local villagers with MMS. The Dominican Republic is considered by many to be the most beautiful of all the Caribbean islands. You will have a chance to swim in the ocean and see life as it is in third world countries. There is adventure in coming here, to a country that is third world in some places, and first world in others, to our compound of buildings with a 12 foot enclosed wall, completely safe, as the villagers are our friends, and we supply the locals with water from our high quality fresh water well. Some have told me that their trip to the island here to learn MMS has been the most important and pleasureable experience of their life.
The next MMS seminars will be held on the following dates:
Oct. 25th — Nov. 3Rd, Nov. 29th — Dec. 8Th, Dec. 27th — Jan 5th.
For more info. please contact us at
Don’t forget our video course is now being delivered!
It is a full week with a complete test at the end. Pass the test and you can become a Minister of Health. Cost is $375. You get 4 super concentrated disks, the complete transcript of the same course but an earlier presentation
so you can read an earlier presentation of the same data, and a
comprehensive test that proves you know the data or not. When
you pass the test, we will send you a «Certificate of Completion»
and «Minister of Health certificate».
For more info., please contact us @
Become one of the unique individuals of all times. Know how to heal all diseases and save lives. Become a Minister of Health and soon a Doctor of MMS, (after successfully treating 50 people).
Help change the world and save the lives of your loved ones!
James (Jim) V. Humble
Bishop Genesis II Church of health and Healing
“It'll not be whether you won or lost
But rather, how you played the game.”
For more info., please contact us at the following e-mails:
- MMS Seminars: [email protected]
- MMS Video course: [email protected]
- Genesis II Church membership: [email protected]
- MMS newsletter signup: [email protected]
- MMS Info. and inquiries: [email protected]
- Genesis II Church Hompage: Genesis2church.org
- Genesis II Church blog: Genesis2church.com
P.S. Our websites should be all updated within the next few weeks!!!
MMS saves lives!!!
Рубрика: MMS для пожилых, Заболевания крови, Результаты использования MMS, артрит, фибромиалгия | Обсуждение закрыто
Пятница, 05 Ноя 2010
Jim Humble MMS Newsletter
Another Miracle, Autistic children healed. I thought you would like this report. And further down there is another important report that might surprise you.
FROM MEXICO -"It has been 70 days since beginning MMS for autism in my group. Officially I have 55 people taking MMS and the stories of the children improving blow me away. Every day or every other day I get an email with a non-verbal child talking and or doing some amazing thing that he/she had never done. Thank you for MMS and thank you for supporting me in my mission to recover children with autism. I feel that MMS is going to prove to be a huge piece of the autism puzzle for recovery. I hope to present a recovered child with autism with MMS in the largest conference on autism in the world in Puerto Rico in March. Wish me luck!"
Thank you all very much.
If you wish to contact this lady in Mexico I can put you in contact with her. She will be willing to talk to you personally if you need to talk for some good reason.
A Dream:
For many years during my early life I had a dream. It was a dream of the distant past, of millions of years ago. At first, of course I believed it was just a dream. But then it also seemed to ring true at times. As time passed I begin to believe that it must be more than a dream. As I began to learn about this planet and the many terrible things going on here I soon begin to believe that my dream had to be more than a dream and I was going to have to do something about it.
One interesting thing was that on a few occasions over the years a few people told me about a similar dream that they had with the same story. Of course, that enforced the idea that maybe it was more than just a dream. I became an inventor with the idea of inventing something that would help change the conditions here on earth. I invented a new method of making electronic circuits, but that didn't seem like it would help change things. My friend and I invented a technique of causing atomic radiation to drop to zero, something that is supposed to be impossible. But billions were already invested in storing the radiating materials in the ground and no one was interested in such inventions. I invented a new helicopter, a method of purifying water electronically, and a number of minor inventions that I sold in my mining store. Finally I discovered MMS in the jungle in South America and I knew that was it. There was no doubt in my mind that MMS would change this planet.
Then things began to get even more amazing. More than 5 million people have used MMS. Now there is no way that MMS would have gotten spread around the planet being sold in most of Europe, South America, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Countries of Africa and China if it didn't work. There are plenty of people who would like to spread their products around that much, but can't. If a product that didn't work could spread like that there would be nothing but rich people as everybody would be selling products that didn't work worldwide.
Finally after going to Africa and working in a number of countries there healing people I wound up here in the Dominican Republic conducting a training course for MMS. Our MMS training course lasts 5 days of training and 3 days of practical experience with a total of 8 days of training over two weeks. Graduates receive certificates for Minister of Health, Graduation Certificates, and Certificates of Authorization to start a Chapter of our Church. I realized we would need some kind of protection for our Ministers and thus I started a Church. But there was more to the Church than that. People also needed to be protected from vaccinations and other oppression from the government.
So far we have trained 114 Ministers of Health. They came from 40 different countries of the world from 14 to 36 people per training class. They are well trained as I have developed a method of intense training that teaches everyone everything at least 3 different times and some things 5 times. Because the teaching process includes DVD's that teaches all the details, and because we discuss in class all the details that are on the DVD's, and because each student can do that exact same thing. Each student leaves her with the ability to teach a class exactly the same way I teach it here. The students leave here as the most unusual people to ever walk this planet. They can, and have already proved that they can, cure most of the diseases of mankind. No one has ever been able to do that before. Well, they don't cure people; actually they give the sick person MMS that kills the pathogens, and then the body cures the person. Only the body cures the body. Our Ministers know that and that is what they bring about, a body free of diseases pathogens, heavy metals and other dangerous poisons.
Now, I want to tell you the most amazing part: More than ½ of all the students that have arrived here have told me, «I believe in MMS, but there is some other reason why I came. I just had to come. Something made me come.» OK, so let me tell you a little more about the dream. A large group of us, well small group in relation to the number of people on this planet, lived on another planet, in another galaxy. We were assembled together at that time in the past. And without getting into a lot of details we agreed to finally assemble on Earth in the beginning of the 3rd Millennium for the purpose of creating peace on Earth and in the Galaxy. The dream included the fact that we were losing our powers and that they would all be lost by the time we finally arrived on Earth or by the beginning of the 3rd Millennium. But that was part of the «big plan». The Gods on Mount Olympus were the last to lose their powers.
And another Amazing part. These students, are both young and old from around the world, and although they mostly haven't remembered the dream like some others have, more than 90% of them have said that they believe in the dream and they know it is our job to help bring peace to Earth and that we will be a great part of the peace movement. Part of the dream is as our emblem says, «A world without disease.» They have all said that they want to help and be a part of the Ministers of Health of the Genesis 2 church of Health and healing.
Remember, this church was formed for the purpose of «doing good deeds,» «healing all people», and «always doing what is right.» That is our stated purpose, and those who want to go further into the worship of a Deity should also join a second church for that purpose if they feel the need and it is OK if they already have. So if you feel like coming, here, for training, it is important for you to come to learn to help heal people of Earth, and you will then be a part of the peace movement for earth. We heal people for free and hope for donations, but the donations are not a condition for healing. Healing is free, but we expect donations as any other church does.
Many of our Ministers of Health have left here going out to heal people free of charge and they also expect a donation when the sick person is well. But the sick person who is now well is not required to make a donation. Other Ministers have already begun to start churches. They will be doing the same thing. Healing people and accepting donations.
That is also true here in the Dominican Republic. You can come for healing. We don't charge. You can stay here for $25 a day or go to the next cheapest hotel at $60 a day. Meals here are also $25 a day. Possibly later on, the room and board will be free as well, but things are a little too tight for that now. Also keep in mind that we never give up on a person. When the medical people give up that is often where we start and we are often successful. Come for healing or bring your loved ones for healing. We ask no fees until you are feeling much better or you are well and then only if you want to donate.
So if you feel you should come for MMS training, you really should come. You are a part of us and you probably know that already. We will be the leaders in the program to bring peace and a new world without disease. We need not only your help, but more than anything, we need your agreement. Come and give us your agreement. The cost is $1000 for the first week of training, protocols and theory. The second week of practical experience as mentioned above is $500. If you want to come and you have financial problems, let us know how much you can afford. Chances are high we can handle that if enough other full price students are coming, and so far there always have been. We want as many as possible to experience the seminars and to learn the updated protocols.
Note: Our next seminar is: Nov.29th-Dec.8th, ( Dominican Republic) Be there!!
Let me also mention that students that finish our course of Intensive training of one week receive a Certificate of Minister of Health, Certificate of Authorization to open a Church Chapter, A Certificate of Completion and a Certificate you can use to announce your presence in the Neighborhood in the local newspaper.
The Certificate of Reverend Doctor is issue to those persons who have successfully administered the Church Sacrament along with the Cleansing water to overcome the sickness of at least 50 persons. So let me once again invite you to the Dominican Republic to become a Minister of Health and a Reverend Doctor of MMS.
Special Announcement: Can you help?
- We have an opportunity to be on an internet T.V. Station weekly as well as a «live» weekly Skype conference call with Jim. We need donations to help with the purchase of a Satellite dish to handle the upload and download speeds. Can anyone help? We need $6,000 to purchase the equipment, transport and installation.
- We need to purchase a newer vehicle. Our 1997 Chevy Suburban can’t handle the areas we go to treat and teach people. We’d like to purchase a late model Toyota 4X4 Jeep. Price $20−25,000 used.
- For information about donating contact:
Good Deeds,
Bishop Jim Humble
Genesis II Church of Health and Healing
For more info., please contact us at the following e-mails:
1. MMS Seminars:
2. MMS Video course:
3. Genesis II Church membership:
4. MMS newsletter signup: jimhumble.biz
5. MMS Info. and inquiries:
6. Genesis II Church Homepage: Genesis2church.org
7. Genesis II Church blog: Genesis2church.com
8. Donations, contact: [email protected]
P.S. Our websites should be all updated within the next few weeks!!! Visit Jimhumble.biz for updated protocols.
- November 29th — December 8th
December 27th — January 5th 2011 — ( Christmas, New year’s week seminar)
- February 15th — February 24th 2011
- March 29th — April 7th 2011
- May 10th — May 19th 2011
Рубрика: Письма Джима Хамбла | Обсуждение закрыто